Eejat the first hookup of the day. 900gm ( tyme ne drg ko25 & t.k bru sampai eheh)
2nd hookup by walid. medium weight
3rd hookup by walid, medium size
Just love that 4th solid hookup!
4th hookup done by Eejat. 600 gm
5th hookup done by Eejat ranging around 500gm
Lure: Eupro [Spinner MOD], bakau [Spinner MOD], Thai Frog [Spinner MOD], Bakau Frog.
Hits: Frenzy
Hookup: 5
Hunting with Eejat, Ko25 & T.K.. This time it was very2 frenzy! Started hunting at 7.00am
eejat caught 3, T.k caught 3, walid caught 2, kenny caught 1.
Till next Time!