Friday, July 17, 2009

2kg Kitangs!

fuhh.. lama dah na turun... air d cni ne na barapa cun ah... pyh kn turun n cri ikan hardcore2 pun pyh masane... dunno why eheh.. but manage to find a way to spend the time and fish some kitang.. eheh syok jua mun kai perambut 6lbs 2 rasa jua lawanan nya aa.. good fighter la kitang ne jua ( nanti mo cua kai a lower lbs eheh maybe 4lbs ka..)
manage to caught 12 kitang n kebanyakkan nya lapas2 ja eheh

using only free line size 6 hook, perambut 6lbs and dead small prawn bait :)

still waiting for the hardcore fish to come


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