Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fishing madness 2011

2kg++ barramundi hit the the taildancer.

barra with surface popper

we still support Catch and release.. dont feel regret doing this!

Mangrove jack with ecogear

the beauty of barramundi

Sunday, March 27, 2011

selamat pengantin baru kepada ak. waliyuddin dan Nurhanisah

congratulation to Ak. Waliyuddin and Nurhanisah.. selamat pengantin baru, semoga berkakalan sepanjang hayat.

member casting sudah kawin da~...

Saturday, March 12, 2011

We are still active.. but we forgot to post

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Have we Forgotten many fish?

jack tap out by halco haha!

kerapus by my uncle
kerapu not on white rabbit! by my uncle
kerapu on white rabbit by my uncle
selunsong by my uncle
kerapu n ungah by my uncle. that is one nice lure - athelete, harga pun lawa hanya terdapat d capt fred hehe!

dalak tadi pagi hehe

ikan putih

my fifth selunsong dis year

bulan2 sama c eejat, pose maut cara urg jepun haha!

kerapu on anre's

another one!

And that is what we had forgotten from this early november hehe. Till next time and Assalamualaikum!

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