The Silent Groupers on Gulp!
Lure: Berkley Gulp! Alive! Shrimp
leader line: 15 lbs
Hits: Frenzy
Hookup: 2
Hookup: 2
Today Kenny( and I decided to hunt for mangrove jack and barramundi in the forbidden area.Indeed after we arrived in the forbidden area, it appears many fish can be seen playing there.We cast our lure straight away and for several times we received alot of misses. One fish managed to tear my gulp alive into tiny bits of pieces and i suspected that it was that (ikan buntal) again..
That day i only managed to land 2 size of small grouper, Kenny Managed to land also 2 fish, which is a Crevalley Jack & a Junior Giant Trevally.
Although we didn't get our target game fish, it was still an exciting trip, we had fun catching them, taking pictures and releasing them back to the wild. I hope someday another trip like this will happen.
Although we didn't get our target game fish, it was still an exciting trip, we had fun catching them, taking pictures and releasing them back to the wild. I hope someday another trip like this will happen.
So far.....
Berkley Gulp! Alive! Shrimp Catch Review:
Ketambak ( a type of snapper)
alu-alu (barracuda)
Bedukang ( Catfish)
Ungah (mangrove jack)
Kerapu (Grouper)
will try to catch barramundi & tarpon using this lure again! Wish me luck!
(,^^ Till Next Time ^^,)
p/s: kenny.. selunsong 2 td 2 lapas! haha ukan bulan2 2.. *majal* haha